Sunday, September 18, 2011

A Few Indecencies

These little darlings sprung up outside our bedroom window about ten days ago. The mushroom field guide informs us that they are Ravenel's Stinkhorn. Imagine the pleasure of Somebody Ravenel when he (no woman would name this thing after herself) was the first to publish a description of this species and name it. "I'm naming this one for me," he mumbled. The Latin genus-species name, Phallus revenelii, translates literally as "The Penis of Ravenel." It's no wonder we use the Latin. Fortunately, its odor is "fetid," so they could call it "Stinkhorn" instead of that other thing.

According to the description in the book, that is "Greenish spore slime covering a granular head."

Spore Slime!

1 comment:

  1. I was thinking maybe the Cranefly's in a earlier post maybe ate some of the Ravenil's stinkhorn. LoL Keep up the Blog, love it.
