Sunday, September 12, 2010


Here are some recent images from the trail camera. They're just goofy looking with their eyes all aglow. But some of the does are looking quite fit. The gray fox population continues healthy. That young buck reminds me that I still have to put fence wire around the trees I transplanted in March.

Alison began her graduate studies in earnest this week and now reads and writes in nearly every spare moment. Every day new ideas come strolling into the living room, free to make themselves comfortable on the couch, on the rug by the coffee table, sprawling like sailors, or browsing the book shelves. They don't always do what they're told, but they are good company. Alison enjoys mixing them up, pairing them for conflict and harmony. Already she has volumes of readings to work through and her day job to maintain. But gluten-free now, she has her old mojo back--which we all celebrate.

Oh, and I've also included the image of the cover of the 1826 Journal that Nebraska sent me a couple of weeks ago. Alison had a copy framed as a secret surprise for me, and now it's a new presence in the house by way of prelude.

A new cultural event occurred yesterday: our first-ever archery party. Marcy, her boyfriend Dillon and I fired our arrows from the rear deck at our target some 22 paces out in the backyard. Alison's role was to admire our accuracy and prowess. Dillon's job was to true-in the sight on my bow, which he did quite well. Now my practicing will be more effective and I'll progress more rapidly.

Otherwise, with the goldenrods at their peak, the asters coming on, and the first autumn colors crowning some of the sugar maples, we do our work and love this place.

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